The consensus of the team is that it was a great day (even though we didn't get to see any fireworks). In the morning we headed out to San Pedro to visit one of the local orphanages. It was predominantly girls from 3 or 4 years old to late teens. Like the village, we brought about $200 worth of food. Mrs. Murdock also brought coloring books and crayons. As you’ll see by the pictures below, we were quickly engaged by the kids in the orphanage into many activities. They included coloring, playing cards, jumping rope, getting your hard braided, swinging the kids in the air and just hanging out. At the end of the trip, Coach Murdock asked the boys what they wanted to do on Monday … play a 2nd game of baseball, visit another village or visit another orphanage. They chose the orphanage. We headed back to SCORE through a heavy downpour; not knowing if we’d be able to play our game this afternoon.

After lunch, and a few hours of DR heat and sun, we headed to the ball field and had our 5th game. To celebrate the fourth of July, the boys put together a great game and ruined their perfect record of no wins. That is, we won 8-3. At the end of the game, both Paul and Josh gave their testimonies and Jeff Seigel gave the gospel message using a baseball glove as a prop. Three boys excepted Christ as their Saviour (one of them is pictured below). The evening was filled with dinner, the pool, dividing up all the gear to give to the local kids tomorrow and our daily rap-up.

Bob and Matt arrived close to on time and joined us at the game. Tomorrow we are splitting up in the morning to hold two separate clinics for kids between 5 & 12 and then one in the afternoon for kids 12 and up.
Good to finally see a photograph of Rich! He cameraman usually never gets into a shot. I know he's documenting the trip for this website and I'm sure there are more photos of him that others are taking. Great job Rich!
We miss watching you guys place some baseball here, but it sounds like you are getting plenty of game time in. The new hair styles look good and you may want to keep them for the new school year.
I have been greatly encouraged to hear the response to your gospel presentaions. Thank you Lord! We've been praying for stregnth and ecouragment and changes lives. Glad to hear that Matt and Bob made it down. I wish I could be there too!
Blessings to all,
Josh,I guess there are benefits of long hair! Great blackmail pictures - you are sure to see it in the future! :)
Josh says, "I don't care."
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