Today we had a wonderful experience of going to one of the villages down here in the Dominican. After playing simple games with the kids, we shared the gospel with a bunch of people, and then divided food up for 20+ families. They were very appreciative for this. We then came back to the SCORE complex and ate a rice and bean lunch, and then headed off into Santo Domingo to go shopping and sightseeing. There we a lot of vendors that were very pushy towards making us buy particular things, which was very different compared to the American way of shopping. We then went to a friend of Denny's and ate a magnificent dinner that was native to the DR. We all then came back and enjoyed each other around the pool side. All in all, we had a very eventful day.
Hey Spencer:
I'm so proud of you. Thanks for sharing your day with us folks back home, but most of all thanks for sharing the gospel and God's love through your ministry there in the Dominican Republic. It's good to see your smile in the photos and I'm sure this will be a heart changing experience for all of you. It takes trips like these to see how simple and even joyful life can be when we take away our distractions (computers, cell phones, video games, etc.) and only focus on one thing: the love of Christ and sharing His good news through words, giving, serving, and even playing! We're praying for all of you without ceasing. Our hearts are touched by the photos and comments everyone is sending. Be well and allow God to open your heart, your eyes, and your ears, always seeking what it is that He is trying to say to you.
Mom and Zebber (up in Pennsylvania visiting Pop Pop this weekend!)
Ayo, Spencer!
Welcome back to the States. Trust you had a thought-provoking time in the D.R. It's a truly different world out there isn't it? Glad you had the opportunity to see how people in the majority-world live and see 1) the challenges they face, 2) their simpler approach to life and 3) their remarkable openness to the Lord. Mission trips aren't just to benefit those you go to visit and reach out to -- they are just as much (if not more) for you as well...
Love ya!
Uncle B.
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